About the Candidate

Councilwoman Mary Sadrakula was first elected to the Clifton City Council in 2010 and served her first term until 2014. She was again elected to the Clifton City Council in 2018 and is running for re-election in November 2022.

Councilwoman Sadrakula has distinguished herself as an outspoken advocate for open, honest, and transparent government. She has been a strong voice for Clifton taxpayers and often calls out mismanagement and wasteful spending practices. She firmly believes and lives up to her campaign slogan “Our Choice To Be Our Voice.”

Her strong independence and advocacy on behalf of Clifton taxpayers and her stand against wasteful public spending has put her at odds, at times, with the existing political infrastructure in Clifton while endearing her to Clifton residents. She is not afraid to ask and demand answers to difficult questions.

Councilwoman Sadrakula has taken on some important controversial issues such as:  the taxpayer funded salaries of Passaic Valley Water commissioners; the high cost of Passaic Valley Water service charges; and inconsistent sewer fees charged to Clifton residents. She has also been vocal about several critical quality of life issues such as:  flooding; overdevelopment; Clifton’s outdated zoning ordinances; lack of adequate pay for Clifton’s police officers; the need for more ambulances; as well as the need for a new state of the art firehouse.

Councilwoman Sadrakula’s own, independent campaign focuses on her track record of public service to Clifton and as a no-nonsense problem solver who is not beholden to any political bosses.

Councilwoman Sadrakula has lived in Clifton for the past 25 years. She holds a BS in Mathematics from Dickson College and earned her Master of Business Administration from Fairleigh Dickinson University. She retired from a successful 40-year career on Wall Street.